Recent content by Humbert-Humbert

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  1. Q

    Kia Niro EV Software Update Fail!

    If anyone else is having this issue, you can try downloading the update from Kia's official site onto a USB. But ensure it’s formatted to FAT32. Follow their step-by-step instructions carefully...
  2. J

    Niro Blowing Hot Air

    My mom’s having a total meltdown with her Niro’s AC. When it's cooler than 17 deg inside, it keeps blasting hot air, which is just the worst. We’re totally stumped trying to find a setting that will actually blow cool air no matter what the cabin temp is. Anyone else dealt with this or found a...
  3. ElectricWheels

    Rear bumper panel misaligned seeking DIY fix

    Hi everyone, I accidentally backed into a thick post and now a rear bumper panel is out of alignment. It looks like it shuold just snap back into place, but I'm hesitant to force it. Is there an easy way to get this panel realigned without causing more damage? Any tips or tricks would be greatly...

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