How Does That Backseat Power Socket Work?

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I’m eyeing a compact car fridge and some cool camping appliances to be plugged to the rear seat power socket during our camping trips. Just wondering - do you simply plug everything in and it fires up, or does the car need to be on for the outlet to be live? And if I do need the car running, is it okay to keep it idling in the garage for a while, or will that wreck the battery? Thanks a bunch!
Just run it into utility mode. You can plug in your device to the 120v before or after activating it. Keep the car unlocked to maintain power. By the way, which trim do you have?
This charging outlet was a real pain. It took me forever to get the dealer to fix it. I had to keep taking it back, and eventually, they had to remove it completely. Now it finally works, but honestly, the design is terrible.

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