Niro EV Auto Highbeams Resetting!

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My Niro’s auto high beams have a quirky habit of turning off every time I shut the car off, which drives me up the wall. I find it super frustrating to have to manually switch them back on every time I start the engine. Is there a secret setting I’m missing that could make these high beams stay on permanently? I’ve scoured the manual and settings with no luck. Anyone else experiencing this issue or have a workaround?
Unfortunately, the Niro’s auto high beams seem to default off after every restart. I’ve heard it’s a safety feature baked into the software. No permanent fix I’ve found yet.
My Niro’s auto high beams have a quirky habit of turning off every time I shut the car off,
Before all these new car features, I was trained to always turn off the headlights first, then the engine, pretty much everyone did that back in the day. It seems pretty normal if your auto high beams turn off when you shut the car off. What’s not normal is if they don’t turn on when they’re supposed to.
Looks like your high beams are a bit forgetful and reset every time you turn off the car. There’s no way to keep them on permanently, but a battery reset or software update might help. You could also check with the dealership to see if they’ve got a fix for the high beam drama

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