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  1. K

    Remaining battery display disappears

    You can keep the split-screen layout by enabling the "Use split screen" option in the phone projection settings. Unfortunately, Android Auto just mirrors your phone and doesn’t have access to the car’s battery data, so there’s no way to keep the battery status visible on the AA screen.
  2. C

    When I turn on the heater blower the engine starts making a loud droning noise

    @EcoWandering Hey, welcome! Just wondering, does this problem happen when the engine's stone cold, or does it still happen even after it's warmed up a bit? Also, what percentage is the battery at when you first start the car, and what's it at when the engine starts making that droning noise...
  3. E

    Snow Chains & Niro EV Warranty

    I use winter chains only in extreme situations. But 98% of the winter/snowy time I use winter tires.
  4. M

    Is My Car Secretly Tracking Charging Failures?

    I've been having a real headache trying to start charging sessions at different fast chargers. The car says it's good to go, but the charger just gives me the cold shoulder. The dealer swears the car doesn’t keep track of these failures, but I’m finding that pretty hard to swallow. Anyone else...
  5. L

    Niro EV shuts down unexpectedly

    In the middle of the road? I hope that doesn't happen to me! That’s definitely not the kind of experience I'd like to have. How did you get it fixed? Hopefully, you got it sorted out.
  6. S

    Juicebox 40 Smart Charging issues with Kia Niro Wave

    I've got a 2023 Kia Niro Wave and a Juicebox 40 charger. I'm trying to use the EV Juicenet app's Smart Charge feature to take advantage of off-peak rates, but it's acting weird. It starts charging at midnight, then just shuts off a minute later! I've been back and forth with support, but no luck...
  7. Q

    Updating navigation system on imported 2022 Kia Niro

    He should contact Kia UAE support for guidance. There might be a specific procedure for updating or selecting maps.
  8. C

    Unknown wire

    Have you slapped on any new aftermarket parts or accessories recently? That could be where that random loose wire is coming from. Just a thought!

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