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  1. E

    Rear Wiper Blade Replacement

    Since the parts store replaces the blades for free, have them remove your old wiper and match it with what they have in stock. Keep the part number from the package with your manual for future reference. It’s a pretty simple process.
  2. K

    What to expect from the service in May?

    Hello guys! My service isn't due until May, but I am wondering what to expect for pricing. The service plan covers scheduled maintenance, including parts, labor, and taxes, but things like brake pads, wipers, and tires aren't included. There is no mention of the drive belt or other fluids that...
  3. Sebban-Balwer

    Niro EV bricked

    To me, it sounds like there's a problem with the 12-volt battery. As for getting it started quickly, I'd check the owner's manual to see how to jump-start your car. I don't know if there are any special instructions for your specific car model.
  4. Sebban-Balwer

    e-Niro won't start after wet weather

    In the US, a lot of auto parts stores will test your car battery for free. The same goes for places that sell batteries. Using jumper cables will probably get your car started, but it won't fix the problem unless the battery just needs a good charge. You can either charge it by driving around...
  5. T

    Rear Wiper Blade Replacement

    Have you tried checking ebay? I found one. I hope it helps!
  6. R

    Why’s the Niro EV Screen So Tiny and Messed Up?

    Aren't there aftermarket ones available yet?
  7. G

    Camera cover

    I just keep a cloth to wipe off the camera....
  8. L

    Kia Connect app not showing charging status correctly

    Did you try restarting the system?
  9. T

    Music - What are you listneing to?

    So what'es everyone listening to while they browse the internet? I'm into early alternative, but I really like Beck's most recent stuff. Share what you're listening to!

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