Since it charges fine on other chargers and the eoMini works with your Model Y it sounds like a handshake issue between the e-Niro and the eoMini and not a hardware failure. Some Kia e-Niro owners have had intermittent compatibility issues with certain home chargers usually due to software updates or communication errors between the car and the charger.
Check if the eoMini has a firmware update sometimes compatibility fixes get rolled out.
Soft reset the eoMini by turning it off at the breaker for a few minutes.
Try plugging in the car and locking/unlocking the doors some e-Niro models have had charge lock issues that prevent proper connection.
Check charge schedule settings in the car and the eoMini sometimes scheduled charging settings conflict, causing a no-charge situation.
If none of that works contact eoMini support they might have logs or settings that need adjusting. Or a critical update is in the pipeline that fixes something in the link.