eNiro Slow Charger

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San Jose, California
Our eNiro's slow (13amp) charger plug is busted. Dealer says the whole unit needs replacing - seems excessive for a simple plug! Anyone know where to find a replacement mains plug with thermistor and flylead? Should be a quick fix, anyone saved money doing it themselves?
How about switching to another charger instead? I'm using Grizzl-E Classic EVSE. It's been doing very well ever since I got it.
That sounds like the dealer trying to upsell you a new plug that you don't need. You can replace just the plug instead of the whole unit, or maybe just get an adapter. A friend of mine had a similar issue with their EVSE, and they found a compatible thermistor-equipped replacement plug online. Just make sure you get one rated for the same amperage as your busted one.

You’ll probably need a screwdriver, wire strippers, and a little patience to swap it out, but it’s worth it for the savings. Or, if you’d rather not risk it, an electrician could fix it for way less than replacing the entire charger.

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