Niro EV V2L confusion

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San Jose, California
Loving the car so far, especially the V2L feature. Had a weird issue yesterday with the internal power socket though. Plugged in my laptop, got a red light and no power, with a message saying "V2L finished defined charge level reached." No clue what that meant! Searched everywhere for V2L settings but came up empty. Turns out, it had to do with the EV charge transfer setting (V2L label) under EV settings. Basically, the target charge needs to be lower than the current battery level. Who knew that message meant I was accidentally limiting the battery discharge? Anyway, problem is solved, but man that error message was unhelpful!
So, I was looking into the US Wind model, and it seems like it doesn't come with that feature where you can use the car's battery to power stuff outside the car. You know, the V2L thing.

If you somehow got a V2L adapter for the US Wind, it just wouldn't work. It's a bummer, because I hear the US Wave model has that feature.

Not sure if it's different in other countries though.
Loving the car so far, especially the V2L feature. Had a weird issue yesterday with the internal power socket though. Plugged in my laptop, got a red light and no power, with a message saying "V2L finished defined charge level reached." No clue what that meant! Searched everywhere for V2L settings but came up empty. Turns out, it had to do with the EV charge transfer setting (V2L label) under EV settings. Basically, the target charge needs to be lower than the current battery level. Who knew that message meant I was accidentally limiting the battery discharge? Anyway, problem is solved, but man that error message was unhelpful!
Thanks for the info, it’s super helpful and much appreciated. Hopefully, we can all keep sharing stuff like this with the group!

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